title.JPG (21074 bytes)


buttons.gif (7314 bytes) To install the flash 4 plugin for Netscape or IE 3 and below
  • Download the plugin setup file.  We suggest saving the file on your desktop so it will be easy to find.
  • close your web browser.
  • double click the file you just downloaded to run the setup.
  • Follow the installation directions to install the plugin into your browser.
  • Then open your web browser and enter the All New Phatty Daddy Flash Page

The setup process may be slightly different for macintosh users.  You should still save the file to your desktop and double click to run.  For more instruction, please click the macromedia flash page link below.

For any questions you may have or installation problems, please visit the macromedia web site Macromedia Flash


To Contact us:

Jeff Block
Justin Korn